Living Blues #254 March/April 2018
Warner Williams and Jay Summerour
It Gets Right Into Your Soul
By Frank Matheis
One of the last great east coast blues duos, Warner Williams (age 87) and Jay Summerour do it the old school way.
James “Boogaloo” Bolden
By Rod Evans
Given his nickname “Boogaloo” by B.B. King because of his non-stop dancing on stage, James Bolden was the bandleader for King for his last 21 years. Bolden now fronts his own band and continues to keep the legacy of King alive in the B.B. King’s Blues Band.
Eugene “Hideaway” Bridges
I Got Tired of Being Ignored
By Scott M. Bock
Louisiana-born, former Houston resident, Eugene “Hideaway” Bridges had to leave the United States to get the recognition he deserved and has now become a blues citizen of the world.
Belton Sutherland
Burn Down the White Man’s Barn
By T. DeWayne Moore
Camden, Mississippi native Belton Sutherland never recorded any records, but he was filmed performing a handful of remarkable country blues songs by John Bishop, Worth Long and Alan Lomax. We explore this bluesman’s rare story.
Record Reviews
- New Releases by: Johnny Tucker, Bettye LaVette and Vance Kelly
- Reissues by: Clarence Carter, Dave Bartholomew and Ru-Jac Records
Blues News
Artist to Artist with Mike Ledbetter
Breaking Out with Roosevelt Collier
Book Reviews
2018 Living Blues Festival Guide
Radio Charts
Cover photo by Bibiana Huang Matheis
Caption: Warner Williams (right) and Jay Summerour, 2017.